What is the main difference between the 30 minute session and 1 hr session?
I get this question a lot because clients are generally torn because they don’t want their session to feel rushed but they also want to be realistic about how long their kiddos (or let’s be real, husbands) can last in a shoot. So here is a general breakdown to help you decide the right fit:
With a 30 minute session we get the shots. We set up the shoot to successfully get the family shot where everyone is looking and smiling, the photos of the kiddos, individuals of everyone. It is efficient and gets the job done. Usually great when you have older children who aren’t spending a lot of time playing with mom and dad on the beach. Perfect amount of time for a shoot that ticks those boxes of an updated family photo.
With a 1 hour session we make it more of a time to get to know your family and capture the moments you share together. We, of course, get the photos that tick the boxes in the 30 minute session, but it also leaves time to play and catch those candid moments. With little ones I think it helps take the pressure off and gives you the chance to enjoy your kids and be yourself instead of stressing over whether or not they are smiling and behaving just right for those 30 minutes. A 1 hour session is also great for a newborn session because it allows time to capture those sleepy moments in the nursery, nursing, with siblings and all of those new baby details. It also takes the stress away if the baby is fussy for some of it.
I hope this helps illustrate what your session would look like!
When should I My take maternity photos?
Ah, how to find that bump sweet spot. Bigger than the ‘is she pregnant or is that a burrito’ stage and before the misery of those last puffy weeks (in all of its swollen feet beauty of course). I recommend around 7-8 months depending on how you are feeling and bump visibility. Early third trimester seems to be a sweet spot!
When should I take my newborn photos?
Newborn photos are probably my very favorite, so cozy and quiet and admittedly fills me with that pang of jealousy. Bringing your little one home is a huge adjustment for everyone and mama needs the chance to feel a little more like herself and taking some time to heal. I recommend waiting two weeks to give yourself a chance to get into a rhythm with a sleep/wake/feeding schedule and allowing mama some time to take a breath. Most importantly, DO NOT clean up your entire home for this. I have two little ones, I GET IT and don’t want you wasting any of your energy on something like that. Worst case we do a quick tidy for the spot we need.
What is a mini session?
A mini session is a 20minute session booked back to back at one location. I am not able to offer mini sessions as a regular option because of how I book the sessions back to back and stay in a single location. These are offered around the holidays just in time for holiday cards and usually book up by September so keep an eye out if you are interested! If there is any point during the year you are wanting to do a mini session, you can create your own date if you are able to rally an additional four slots.