Liguore Family Session
This is another family I got to meet for the first time a few years ago during their newborn shoot and now I see them several times a year between family sessions and shooting for their frickin amazing South Bay restaurant Bettolino Kitchen. The Liguore family are a perfect example of me being lucky enough to become friends with the people I work with. We’ve had play dates, pool days and birthday parties and I am so grateful for the friendship that came from taking photos of these four. It is also amazing to become friends with families who you shoot with each year because it gives me a chance to KNOW the family and get to be creative with showing off how you interact and have fun together. Andreanna had an amazing vision and location for this shoot and we had so much fun except for Sean because Andreanna and I forced him to be taking family photos during the Dodger play off game. But he got to listen to it by putting his phone in his back pocket so really there was no inconvenience he was just being dramatic ;)